It's Singleton, not Simpleton...dummy!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Flex Video Stream Filtering - B&W, Brightness, Contrast and More...

Dear Dummy Friends,

I am back with some more trivia, just in case you have been struggling with attaching a video stream to your application, capturing images, changing the color (filtering), or manipulating the results of a video stream capture, here are some tips for you.

First things that you need to know in order to begin the video or image filtering are:

  • An image or a video can be thought of as a layer of colors (red, green, blue and opacity).
  • The layers can be transformed using Matrix Transformation (ordinary mathematics)
  • Transparency, Brightness, Contrast and Other properties if an image or a video can be handled by applying these transformations. (This is known as filtering.)
(Courtesy: Tutorial)

It is highly recommended that you visit the following links to know better about the concept of image processing:

I am going to talk more about applying these transformations or filtering on Video and Images in Flex 3.3 programming.

Keep tuned and get yourself ready with the understanding of color matrix.