It's Singleton, not Simpleton...dummy!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Flex Video Stream Filtering - B&W, Brightness, Contrast and More...

Dear Dummy Friends,

I am back with some more trivia, just in case you have been struggling with attaching a video stream to your application, capturing images, changing the color (filtering), or manipulating the results of a video stream capture, here are some tips for you.

First things that you need to know in order to begin the video or image filtering are:

  • An image or a video can be thought of as a layer of colors (red, green, blue and opacity).
  • The layers can be transformed using Matrix Transformation (ordinary mathematics)
  • Transparency, Brightness, Contrast and Other properties if an image or a video can be handled by applying these transformations. (This is known as filtering.)
(Courtesy: Tutorial)

It is highly recommended that you visit the following links to know better about the concept of image processing:

I am going to talk more about applying these transformations or filtering on Video and Images in Flex 3.3 programming.

Keep tuned and get yourself ready with the understanding of color matrix.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Project KENAI and Drishta

I have just returned from the Second day of Sun Tech Days 2009, Hyderabad. In the last few hours the first thing I decided to do was to look up Project Kenai, a platform for collaborative, open source product development with a host of Social Networking features and Web 2.0 style website that looks cool and feels cool too (and I am not referring to the color blue that is the theme color for the website). There are various things that might not appear quite user friendly to a Useability expert but for a developer who is trying to build a product in collaboration with the whole community of java developers the features are just about right to get started.

I have registered on the website and have been granted the permission to host my own project called Drishta. I am going to talk more about my project and the idea behind it in the following posts, but for now what I am very excited about is that I have finally decided to reignite this initiative that has been lying dormant in my TODO list for nearly a decade.

I have liked the idea of Kenai so far. It is simple. Straightforward. And easy to use. I would recommend giving it a fair try and making your own impression of this useful platform.

Keep tuned for Drishta!!!

Friday, January 30, 2009

Resource Update: GoF Design Patterns - Only notations, no text!

Sometimes, a picture is indeed worth a thousand words. Especially I always felt that the Design Patterns book was quite verbose and distracting in its approach. It would have been great if the examples had been a little more simplified and did not clutter the space. Also, a bit of comparative study of these patterns could allow one to appreciate the subtle nuances and the differences between these patterns, which look quite alike to a newbie.

Finally, I struck gold when I found this link. Some old site that contains the pictorial or PepperSeed images showcasing the Design Patterns. The notations are quite similar to UML notations. And There is astoundingly no text, whatsoever!

I find this a very essential 5 minute referesher that the Architects should keep handy for reference, whenever a moment of uncertainty, while designing a complex application, renders them actionless.

This is the link to the site. Gang of Four Design Patterns

Here is a sample of Adapter Pattern and Bridge Pattern, when placed side by side once can see the subtle difference so clearly, and without any textual clutter around it.

Adapter Pattern

Bridge Pattern

I hope you appreciate the essence of text less GoF Design Patterns!

P.S. The images were stolen from Gang of Four Design Patterns.